“I was angry and wanted justice...
I chose to build... help others instead.”
– Jim “smartr” DeLaMater
"It totally sucks to be scammed... upon reflection, I'm grateful I didn't lose more money than I did."
"...felt like an idiot and embarrassed to share... afraid of what other people would think..."
"Sharing has been a conduit through which I've met other amazing people...
made me realize I'm not alone."
"I thought I knew the risks involved but I didn't know it could be SO much worse!"
"Universe somehow knew I could handle this... turn it into something good.
For now, that's sharing my experience with as many people as possible."
"...be wary of people (you don't know personally) trying to give things to you."
" I felt so embarrassed when I found out I fell for a scam..."
"...scammer made me feel like he appreciated good people & wanted to do a good thing,
which sounded lovely to someone who sees the best in people."
"...Facebook ...Chris Hemsworth image in a reputable news interview
said "I retired from Acting" ...found better way to become financially free... Bitcoin. I clicked the link..."
"scammed on Whatsapp by fake person, fake investment opportunity...
they said hello... I was feeling lonely... I continued the conversation."
"I felt angry at myself for trusting the scammer & upset I could so easily lose that money I worked so hard for.
" I'm feeling better now ...putting it out there and accepting I can't change what happened helped me move on
Our metaverse showcases Heroes in Web3
and offers free safety & wellness support.
Explore articles designed to help you stay safe online
recognizing and avoiding scams.
Being hacked is traumatic emotionally & financially! Hideous Hacker's provides community & partner support!
We all know someone who has been hacked or scammed. HH founders know this pain & want to help!
If you love unique, great art & vibe with the mission to help make Web 3 safe for everyone, keep reading...
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